The Garden Railway is still closed until further notice, for  repair and refurbishment work.


Alas the end of an era, Janet and Ian and their catering team Lyn, Jean and Roger, hung up their aprons for the last time at this years New Years Day Arctic Run. A huge THANK YOU, THANK YOU and another THANK YOU, must be given for all the time, effort and organisation that Janet and her teams have put in over the past years, providing the members and public with a large and varied menu of butties, cakes, puddings, drinks etc. Banquets fit for kings. Who ever takes over has some very big boots to fill.

*PLEASE NOTE*. Due to the above, and lack of volunteers to take over, be prepared to bring your own food and drinks to future running days.



Weds 1st.  ARCTIC RUN. Wrap up warm, the first run of the new year.

Tues. 7th.  Committee Meeting, 7:30pm - 9:00pm.

Weds. 8th. Members Running Day, from 12:00pm.

Tues. 21st. General Meeting, 7:30 pm. Club Chat.

Sat. 25th.   Members Running Day, from 10:30am. Alas NO refreshments available.



Sat. 1st.    Boiler tests, from 11:00am. Ensure you've booked.

Tues. 4th.  Committee Meeting, 7:30pm - 9:00pm.

Weds. 5th. Members Running Day, from 12:00pm.

Tues. 18th. General Meeting, 7:30pm. Stephen Gay - Railways of Cornwall, part 2.

Sat. 22nd.  Members Running Day, from 10:30am. Alas NO refreshments available.



Sat. 1st.    Boiler tests, from 11:00am. Ensure you've booked.

Tues. 4th.  Committee Meeting, 7:30pm - 9:00pm.

Weds. 5th. Members Running Day, from 12:00pm.

Tues. 18th. General Meeting, 7:30pm. Speaker T.B.A.

Sat. 22nd.  Members Running Day, from 10:30am. Alas NO refreshments available


 Magazine Deadlines for 2024/2025

Please send any articles for inclusion in the club magazine to editor John Walker: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. prior to these cut-off dates.       Thursday 9th. January 2025

 Articles or News items for inclusion on the web site please contact Ray Walker or Dennis Wharmby.


2025 A.G.M. Saturday 8th. March at 2pm.


Boiler testing


Boiler Testing is on the first Saturday of each month. Testing limited to 10  boilers each time.

Please book your name, model type/description and test required on the boiler sheet in the clubhouse before the test day. Tests will be limited to TEN tests each test date, on a first come, first served basis. Because numbers are limited, please don't let anyone else down by not turning up. If you do need to cancel, please cross your name off the list promptly, or contact the boiler tester.

For pressure gauge tests and hydraulic tests, you need a 1/4" x 40 tpi male connector to fit the test pump.

Testing will commence at 11am. with cold tests, and steam tests no later than 1pm. Don't forget to bring your membership card and previous certificate.

Upcoming events

21 Jan 2025;
07:30PM - 09:00PM
General Meeting
25 Jan 2025;
10:30AM -
Members Running Day - No REFRESHMENTS
01 Feb 2025;
11:00AM -
Boiler Testing
04 Feb 2025;
07:30PM - 09:00PM
Committee Meeting
05 Feb 2025;
12:00PM -
Members Running Day
18 Feb 2025;
07:30PM - 09:00PM
General Meeting
22 Feb 2025;
10:30AM -
Members Running Day - No REFRESHMENTS
01 Mar 2025;
11:00AM -
Boiler Testing
04 Mar 2025;
07:30PM - 09:00PM
Committee Meeting
05 Mar 2025;
12:00PM -
Members Running Day

General enquiry


Open location in Google maps

Hady road map 2011

CLICK HERE for larger image

Company information

Chesterfield & District  Model Engineering Society Ltd
The Clubhouse
Hady Hill, Chesterfield,
Derbyshire, S41 0EE

(Do not use the above address for “postal-mail”, e-mail;-  for postal mailing address)