Congratulations to Steve Eaton for winning 2024 IMLEC (for the umpteenth time) held at Southport MES. also to all Chesterfield members who attended and flew the flag.
The Garden Railway is still closed until further notice for repair and refurbishment work.
Open Weekend 7th/8th. September, Public running. The weekend went well, drizzly and damp Saturday, heavy rain Sunday morning but cleared up at 11am. and turned out to be a sunny day. The weather didn't deter our visiting club members, Alan James, Glyn and George Winsall from Rugby, who ran on our raised track, and Frank Abbott from Birmingham, who graced the ground level track. And a big thank you to the public for turning out and supporting us. A good weekend was had by all, and thank you to all our members who helped and made the event run smooth, and not forgetting our catering staff, both in the clubroom and members tea hut, who kept everyone fed and watered.
Sat 7th. & Sun 8th. Santa Specials.
A BIG thank you to all our members for attending and enduring the wintery wind and rain, making it possible to run our Santa Specials this weekend. Also to the Clubroom staff who were extremely busy providing refreshments and welcome hot drinks, 'til the end. And also a big thankyou to all the public who ventured out and stood in the freezing, wet and windy conditions, and still had smiles (or were they grimaces) on their faces. All the efforts were very much appreciated, and made a grand and successful event.
Tues 17th. General Meeting, 7-30pm. Speaker, Malcolm High talking Batteries.
Sat 21st. Members Running Day, 10-30am - 4pm. Last of the year make it a good one, alas NO refreshments
Weds 1st. ARCTIC RUN. Wrap up warm, the first run of the new year.
Magazine Deadlines for 2024/2025
Please send any articles for inclusion in the club magazine to editor John Walker: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. prior to these cut-off dates.
Thursday 9th. January 2025.
Articles or News items for inclusion on the web site please contact Ray Walker or Dennis Wharmby.
2025 A.G.M. Saturday 8th. March at 2pm.